Manage Jobs

General Interface

The web site (certificates recommended) provides the interface for managing all print jobs. From this web page you can:

  1. Check the status of any queue (how busy and whether online/offline/reserved) 
  2. Release your own jobs
  3. Remove your own jobs (and the first job of any queue regardless of owner)
  4. Move your job from one queue to another
  5. View your printing charge history
  6. Request refunds
  7. Transfer charges from your account to another authorized account

The cronQ page displays a summary row for each cron printer. The columns for this row are: the printer name, the total number of jobs submitted to the queue (yours plus others') and the status/availability of the printer.Take note of queue status as it has direct bearing on your interaction with the queues. Details below.

Status: ONLINE

If the queue is ONLINE, the summary row will appear dark gray as long as you have jobs in the queue. If you don't have jobs in the queue, it appears light gray. In the example below, user crntest is viewing the cronQ web page. Both B10-485 and B7-303 are ONLINE. User crntest has 1 job in B10-485 (hence shown in dark gray) and no jobs in B7-303 (hence light gray).

If the summary row is dark gray, a full accounting of the queue is displayed directly below. This full accounting includes: the status/rank of jobs in the queue, the owner of each job, the job number, the file name and size.

Note that the total number of jobs in B10-485 (3) is greater than the number of jobs submitted by crntest (1). This means there are 2 other held jobs in the queue which do not belong to crntest.


Queue status can be set to RESERVED to accommodate special requests. For example, users may wish to print to special paper for plotting or thesis. Only cron staff can release/move jobs for the time a queue is set to RESERVED. To request a reserved queue, email cron.

If the queue is RESERVED and you've jobs in the queue, the summary row will appear yellow. In the example below, user 'crntest' is viewing the cronQ web page and B10-485 is RESERVED. For the time B10-485 remains RESERVED, users cannot release jobs from the queue (however, they can request that cron staff release them). Users can move jobs form a RESERVED queue to any other comparable queue which is ONLINE. (See Move Job to New Queue below.)

Be sure always to note the color and status of queues! Jobs cannot be released from nor moved to queues which are OFFLINE or RESERVED.


Queue status will read OFFLINE if the printer is not working for any reason. Typically an estimated 'back on line' time is given.

If the queue is OFFLINE and you've jobs in the queue, the summary row will display in red. In the example below, B10-485 is OFFLINE. Three jobs remain in the queue, one of which belongs to crntest. For the time B10-485 remains OFFLINE, users cannot release jobs from the queue. however, they can move the job to any other comparable queue which is ONLINE. (See Move Job to New Queue below.)

Be sure always to note the color and status of queues. Jobs cannot be released from nor moved to queues which are OFFLINE or RESERVED.

Release Held Job

Jobs will stay on hold until you release them. (If you don't release the job within 45 minutes of submitting it, the job is removed automatically.) You can't release a job in a RESERVED or OFFLINE queue. You can't release a job that is too big (150MB for printers / 500MB for plotters). Releasing a job to plotters incurs a charge. To release a held job:

  1. Click on Action popup appearing to the left of job
  2. Take note of any cost appearing to the right of Release (You will be required to pay this amount if selecting this option. See Manage Statement below.)
  3. Take note of Results message appearing at bottom of table

Remove Held Job

You can remove a held job if you no longer wish to print it. No charge nor credit is issued. To remove a held job:

  1. Select Remove from the Action popup menu appearing to the left of job
  2. Take note of Results message appearing at bottom of table

Move Job to New Queue

You can move a held or released (but not yet printing) job from one queue to another, as long as the printers are of like model (e.g. moving job from B10-485 to B09-235). This is convenient should you find one queue less busy than another, and it can save you from having to reprint the job from scratch. You can't release a job in a RESERVED or OFFLINE queue. To assign a job to a different queue:

  1. Click on Action popup appearing to the left of job
  2. Take note of any cost appearing to the right of Move to: (You will be required to pay this amount if selecting this option. See Manage Statement below.)
  3. Select 'Move to: '
  4. Take note of Results message appearing at bottom of table
  5. Release the job form the new queue

Remove Released Job

Released jobs are listed either as 'printing' or with a number appearing in the 'Rank' column. Removing a job with associated cost (e.g. plot job), will result in a refund.

  1. Select Remove from the Action popup menu appearing to the left of job
  2. Note that you can remove the first or 'printing' job in a queue even if it belongs to someone else. We ask you not do this except under extraordinary circumstances (e.g. the job is ridiculously big and it 3AM on a Saturday with cron having just left for the day). When deleting another user's job, he is automatically sent an email implicating you. (He is also issued a credit, which should offer some solace.)
  3. Take note of Results message appearing at bottom of table

Check Statement

The cronQ page displays your balance for the current month and year.

  1. To view a full monthly record of all print transactions where the cost > 0, click Month
  2. To view a full yearly record of all print transactions where the cost > 0, click Year

Manage Statement : Charges Against Account

If you are a TA, RA or are otherwise granted rights to charge printing fees against a departmental account, your online monthly statement will offer additional functionality. By default, all charges are made against your own account and appear on your monthly Bursar's Statement. You can easily transfer any charges from your personal account to a departmental account by selecting the account number in the pop-up next to the left of the appropriate job. Note that transfers like these can only be made during the current month! We recommend that transfers be made soon after releasing jobs so as not to forget.

If charging against other accounts, the statement is broken down first by month, then account. Summaries are displayed for each of the accounts you spend against. These account records are reviewed by the account administrator. You are only responsible for charges made against your own personal account. These appear on your monthly Bursar's Statement. Charges are generally applied to your account the month after you made the plots (e.g. you will be charged for all December plotting in January).

In the example below, user crntest is about to transfer the charge for job number 25276 from his personal account (crntest) to the account named boo.


Refunds are available for jobs printed with gross error (e.g. never came out, images missing, spilled ink, etc). To request a refund, go to your monthly statement (see Check Statement above) and select Request Refund from the popup menu appearing to left of job that failed. Fill out the resulting online form and wait for cron to contact you with their decision, typically within 24 hours. Note: if the print issue is truly bizarre, we ask you bring it by cron offices so that we can better troubleshoot the problem.

Note that refunds can only be made during the month the plot was made.

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