- Is it cron or CRON?
- As you like
- Where did cron get its name?
- 1991 : CRL
- 2001 : crn
- 2006 : crn + cro > cr[o]n > cron
- 2021 : cron > cron
- Is cron an acronym?
- As you like. Should you choose that it be an acronym, then we recommend something self-referential, e.g.:
- cron resource office's name
- cron reduces operational nonsense
- As you like. Should you choose that it be an acronym, then we recommend something self-referential, e.g.:
- What *is* cron?
- (define (cron dusp-tech-request) (indefatigably (resolve dusp-tech-request)))
- cron is also a system service (daemon) on UNIX-like operating systems. It serves as a task scheduler
- If not sure whether to ask help of cron or IS&T, whom do I ask?
- cron
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