City Arena Miracast

This scenario covers: How to stream content (video/audio) from your Windows devices to the City Arena's video wall using Miracast technology.

Equipment needed:

  • Laptop with Windows 10/11

Step 1: Activate the A/V System & Select PC Wireless Video (Miracast)

  • Tap on the Crestron Touch panel to activate the A/V System.
  • Select Computers > PC Wireless Video

Step 2: Miracast

  • On your laptop, press Windows Key + K and select Miracast_09-255. Enter the pairing code (PIN), if requested.

Step 3: Wireless Microphones (optional)

  • Locate the wireless microphones in the AV Rack drawer
  • City Arena features handheld and lapel microphones, select the ones that better suit your needs

  • If needed, adjust room volume using the Crestron touch panel.
  • Check the battery levels and replace as needed (fresh batteries are available in the A/V Rack drawer).

Don't forget to:

  • Shut down video wall and A/V systems, using Crestron touch panel
  • Stop Miracast mirroring
  • Turn off wireless microphones and carefully store them in the A/V Rack/drawer


  • No image on the video wall:
    • Using the Crestron touch panel, tap the red Shutdown button (lower-left corner) to completely shut down the A/V System. Wait a few seconds and proceed  with Step#1.
  • No sound from room speakers when using microphones:
    • Make sure the microphones are turned on. Adjust room volume using the Crestron touch panel.